HomeSaver UltraPro 316 Ti-Alloy Stainless Relining Kits
Say goodbye to the agony of unkinking your light liner out of its UPS shipping box. Say hello to lower priced, simplified components, and an improved warranty. We are so pumped about our .005" thick UltraPro because it just doesn't kink. The fact is, neither we, nor any of our customers who field tested UltraPro, have ever seen a light liner that is so incredibly easy to uncoil and snake down a chimney. When you see people uncoiling any of the stiff, unfriendly competitive liners - even our own original HomeSaver Pro - and then watch them take a coil of UltraPro out of the box - the difference is like watching two guys wrestling with an Anaconda versus a child playing with a slinky. As if to add insult to injury, virtually anyone can crush other brands of .005" pipe with their bare hands. But even the most muscular chimney professional would struggle to do the same to UltraPro. Why? It's because of our patented design. Our corrugations are almost perpendicular to the long axis of the pipe. That "I-beam like" design provides "I-beam like" strength. The corrugations of other .005" brands are more like soft hills. That's why they have so little resistance to being crushed. 316 Ti-Alloy UltraPro has that rare combination of flexibility and strength. These are supreme qualities for a chimney liner: strength to resist damage during installation and repeated cleanings, strength to resist the fury of a chimney fire, and flexibility that makes it as docile as a lamb to uncoil, wrap, and slide down a flue. UltraPro comes in 5" - 8" diameters, including 5.5", and is available in kits, precut lengths, or custom lengths. And of course we can ovalize it for you right in our warehouse. Improved Warranty Naturally UltraPro is UL Listed when installed according to the instructions and comes with a lifetime warranty. However, we must tell do it yourself customers that this warranty expires when a non-professional does the installation. Priced Lower Than Pro Although our main mission was to build quality and convenience into UltraPro, we also wanted to offer it at a price that would make you smile.